ICTHE – Interactive Comprehensive Tool for Holocaust Education
In 2009, the Swedish Committee Against Antisemitism (SCAA) launched a project aimed at preserving and making available the testimony of survivors as well as producing teaching materials covering the Holocaust. The project featured ”What Does it Mean to Be a Human Being?”, a website first launched nationally before being rolled out internationally thanks to a combination of self-funding, private donations and the financial support of the EU/EACEA.
The years 2016 to 2019 saw the implementation of a related project: the Interactive Comprehensive Tool for Holocaust Education (ICTHE) which aimed at broadening content and modernising the digital tool. Eternal Echoes represents the result of this collaborative effort.
The Swedish Committee Against Antisemitism (SCAA) wishes to express its warmest gratitude to those people who shared their stories. Thanks are also due to the private donors, companies and organisations—not least the Association of Holocaust Survivors in Sweden—whose financial support made this work possible.
Eternal Echoes has been created by a number of contributors and volunteers: