Confined to the Ghetto 1940-1944

I was there.

The Jews in Lodz were forcibly moved into a ghetto and, at the end of January 1940, Jakob and his family were ordered to leave their apartment.

In the ghetto, Jakob’s father was put in charge of the administrative office that decided where the ghetto inhabitants would live. His mother managed the old people's home. Some of the elderly had been deported to Lodz from Berlin, Hamburg and Vienna. Jakob, who had turned fifteen, became an apprentice in the mechanics workshop.

Two years after the ghetto’s establishment the Germans started to deport people. From his window Jakob could see children being brutally loaded onto trucks and being taken away in one of the child deportations that took place.

Jakob Ringart (1925-2014), Poland

Jakob Ringart (1925-2014), Poland

Consider here the time Jakob spent in the ghetto of Lodz

Everything in a Backpack

Jakob talks about the situation when he and his family were forced to move into the ghetto.

1) Listen to Jakob as he talks about the situation when he and his family were forced to move into the ghetto. Answer the question.

  • 1a. In what way did Jakob’s life change when the family was forced into the ghetto?

Father's Work in the Ghetto

Jakob talks about work in the ghetto.

2) Listen to Jakob as he talks about work in the ghetto.

Working as a Trainee 

Jakob talks about what it was like to work as a trainee.

3) Listen to Jakob as he talks about what it was like to work as a trainee.

Distribution of Food

Jakob talks about the distribution of food in the ghetto.

4) Listen to Jakob as he talks about the distribution of food in the ghetto.

They Took the Children

Jakob talks about the deportation of the children.

5) Listen to Jakob as he talks about the deportation of the children. Answer the question.

  • 5a. What is most striking about the events Jakob is telling us about? Explain why.

  • 5b. What options did Chaim Rumkowski have, when he was ordered to do a selection for the deportation? 

"Voluntary" Registration

Jakob talks about the "voluntary" registration.

6) Listen to Jakob as he talks about the "voluntary" registration.

A "Special District" for Jews


Transfer into the Ghetto


The Organizing of the Ghetto


Food Rations


The Extermination Camp of Chelmno


Deportation of Roma


"Relocation" of the Jews 


Registration of the Children 


Deportations Continue


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Life Changes 1938-1940

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