I was there.
On 1 September 1939 the war broke out. Livia got frightened but at the same she felt safe in her hometown Sighet.
In 1940 it was decided that Transylvania would belong to Hungary. For everyone who were living in that area it meant that they changed citizenship. Hungarian became the official language, also in school. Livia had no problem with that as she already knew the language.
The Hungarian government passed laws that were discriminatory against Jews They were not allowed to have any riches such as jewellery or expensive carpets. They were not allowed to own horse carriages or vehicles. In 1942 all Jewish children were barred from the public schools.

Livia Fränkel (1927), Romania/Hungary
The Outbreak of War in 1939
Livia talks about her life started to change.
1) Listen to Livia as she talks about how her life started to change.
Jews May Not Continue Their Studies
Livia talks about how her life was affected by the new laws.
2) Listen to Livia as she talks about how her life was affected by the new laws. Answer the questions.
2a. Give a few examples of how Livia’s life was affected.
2b. Of the examples that Livia brings up, which caught your attention the most?
Northern Transylvania is Transferred Back to Hungary
Extra Material
Historical Context Section 1: Jewish Life in the Town of Sighet
Historical Context Section 2: Northern Transylvania is Transferred back to Hungary
Historical Context Section 3: German Occupation and Ghettoization of Sighet