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ICTHE – Interactive Comprehensive Tool for Holocaust Education

2009 initierade Svenska kommittén mot antisemitism, SKMA, ett projekt för att bevara och återge överlevandes vittnesmål samt skapa ett undervisningsmaterial om Förintelsen. Webbsidan "Vad är en människa?" utvecklades i flera perioder, först nationellt och senare internationellt genom egna medel, privata donationer och medfinansiering av EU/EACEA.

2016–2019 genomfördes projektet Interactive Comprehensive Tool for Holocaust Education (ICTHE) i syfte att bredda innehållet och modernisera det digitala verktyget. Resultatet av de gemensamma ansträngningarna är Eternal Echoes.

Svenska kommittén mot antisemitism, SKMA, riktar ett särskilt varmt tack till de personer som delat sina levnadsberättelser. Tack också för ekonomiskt stöd från privata bidragsgivare, företag och organisationer – inte minst från Föreningen Förintelsens Överlevande (FFÖ).

Eternal Echoes har skapats av en rad medarbetare och volontärer:

Svenska kommittén mot antisemitism, SKMA, Sverige

Koordinator: Lena Jersenius

Projektledare: Ewa Wymark

Pedagogisk ledare: Niclas Blom

Pedagoger: Ewa Andersson, Rachel Baran Ouaki, Lillemor Bodman, Callie Carning, Mikael Enoksson, Ingrid Hertogs Eriksson, Per Höjeberg, Bertil Jansson, Stefan Jennerstrand, Monika Linder, Ida Nordlund och Elisabeth Sannar

Programmering, webbdesign och grafisk design: Michael Jensen-Maar (, Ewa Wymark, Cecilia Undemark Peterfy och Violetta Shastina Ravid

Medarbetare: Sarah Forssell, Carl Franks, Lena Lans, Jenny Lindström, Nafih Mawlod, Elisabeth Sannar, Mathan Shastin Ravid, Jenny Wallin och Carolyn Östberg

Översättning av engelska texter till svenska och korrektur: Hanna Christenson, Lena Jersenius, Stina Jonsson, Jonatan Macznik, Carola Olsson, Mathan Shastin Ravid och Ewa Wymark

Speakerröster: Anne Kalmering Josephson, Ludvig Josephson, Lena Jersenius och Bert Kolker.

Läs mer om Svenska kommittén mot antisemitism på hemsidan >>

POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Poland

Project Manager: Katarzyna Kulińska

Pedagogical Leader: Monika Koszyńska

Pedagogues: Anna Staszewska-Zatońska, Barbara Matusiak, Katarzyna Łaziuk, Robert Szuchta

Team of Co-workers: Łukasz Zaleski, Monika Chojnacka

Translation and editing of text: Jarosław Sawicki, Anna Staszewska-Zatońska, Monika Koszyńska, Katarzyna Kulińska

POLIN Museum is a modern cultural institution – a narrative museum which presents a 1000-year history of Polish Jews. It is also a place for meetings and conversations for all of those eager to learn more about the past and present Jewish culture, to confront the stereotypes, and to face the perils of today’s world such as xenophobia and nationalistic prejudices. By promoting openness, tolerance, and truth, POLIN Museum contributes to the mutual understanding and respect amongst Poles and Jews.

As an educational center committed to life-long learning, the Museum offers unique opportunities to explore the civilization of Polish Jews past and present, especially for school groups. As a cultural center, the Museum hosts a lively series of programs – films, performances, temporary exhibitions, conferences, lectures, symposia, and workshops – in its state-of-the-art facilities.

Read more on the official website of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews >>

Northern Transylvania Holocaust Memorial Museum, Romania

Project Manager: Stejeran Daniel-Vasile

Pedagogical Leader: Gudea Mioara-Crenguța

Pedagogues: Pavel Florica, Șerban Bianca, Domuța Gabriela, Temeș Mihaela, Porcar Cosmin, Porcar Doina, Arsinte Alina, Crișan-Cocoru Corina

Team of Co-workers: Cosman Ioana-Ștefania, Stoica Rareș, Lumei Alina, Cordea Luminița, Hecht Alexander, Hecht Judy, Marosan Janos

Translation and Editing: Cosman Ioana-Ștefania

Asociația Memorială Hebraica is an NGO that promotes the education based on the knowledge about the historical past especially regarding the period of the World War II and the Holocaust.

The Association has been working lately in the field of education, being involved in different educational activities as well as it was involved in national and international projects.

The Hebraica Association has under the administration the only functional Holocaust Museum in Northern Transylvania. Read more on the official website >>

Zachor Foundation, Hungary

Project Manager: Mónika Mezei, Norbert Mongyi

Pedagogues: Mónika Mezei, Norbert Mongyi, Mónika Mészáros, Nárcisz Vida

Team of Co-workers: Mónika Mezei, Norbert Mongyi, Jillian Lipman, Mónika Mészáros, Nárcisz Vida, Andrea Szőnyi, Gabriella Komoly

Translation and Editing: Mónika Mezei, Norbert Mongyi, Jillian Lipman

The Zachor Foundation for Social Remembrance is an educational NGO in Hungary, whose mission is to draw attention to dangerous phenomena like racism, antisemitism, and prejudice through formal and non-formal educational programs in order to promote a more informed and engaged citizenry.

By integrating full-life testimonies from survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides into our programming, we help students make necessary connections between history and the moral choices they confront in their own lives.

The Zachor Foundation offers teacher trainings and educational materials for educators to implement within their classrooms.

Institute of Tolerance, Polen

Project Manager: Maria Goldstein

Team of Co-workers: Staszek Goldstein and Małgorzata Domagalska

Institute of Tolerance (IoT) is an NGO with around 35 regular members and many affiliates. Citizens who were engaged in promoting the idea of tolerance and respect for others founded the Institute of Tolerance in 2001. Initially, the confrontation with xenophobic slogans on the facades of Lodz’s houses provoked an activist’s reaction against this form of discrimination. The statuary goals are the promotion of tolerance and education of youngsters and adults towards tolerant attitudes. These are realised by educational projects, debates, contests and events. IoT is a member of the Polish Network of Anna Lindh Foundation. IoT is involved in many projects that concern Jewish and Roma life and tradition in Europe, Poland – especially in Lodz, and the history of the Lodz Ghetto and the Gypsy Camp. Some of the projects include Holocaust survivor testimonies. IoT also organises contests for children and adolescents on the subject of tolerance.

Open the official website of the institute >>

Klagenfurt University, Austria

Project Manager: Angelika Brechelmacher, Regina Wonisch

Pedagogues: Regina Wonisch, Angelika Brechelmacher, Ilse Geson-Gombos, Patricia Katharina Schober

Team of Co-workers: Angelika Brechelmacher, Regina Wonisch, Martina Aichhorn

Translation and Editing: Regina Wonisch, Angelika Brechelmacher, Nick Somers

Open the offical website of the university >>

Vilnius Yiddish Institute, Litauen

Project Manager: Rūta Puišytė

Author of the texts about Kaunas and translator: Rūta Puišytė

Co-worker: Indre Joffytė

Pedagogues: Monika Žąsytienė, Jūratė Damanskienė, Arūnė Vaičiūnaitė-Levuškinienė, Joalita Jurkevičienė, Edita Rabizaitė, Edita Gliozerienė

Historian: Eglė Bendikaitė

The Vilnius Yiddish Institute (VYI) is an international research and teaching center based at Vilnius University and dedicated to documentation, preservation and education in the field of East European Jewish languages, literature, culture and history. The academic productivity is held of a highly importance at the VYI. The VYI actively participates in programs and events aimed for the wider local and international public.

The VYI has accomplished a lot of work to raise consciousness of the Lithuanian teachers, pupils, and other societal circles in regard of understanding the history of anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, human rights and tolerance, etc. The VYI has successfully launched the field expeditions in Lithuania, Belarus, Latvia and Ukraine documenting the last Holocaust survivors and non-Jewish witnesses to the Holocaust. The VYI offers a wide range University credit cources for the students of Vilnius University. The highlight of the VYI’s activities is the international Vilnius Summer Program in Yiddish Language and Literature. It is an intensive four-week university-level intensive language course.